Your entire existence is not just daily routines and external experiences, but rather a profound journey of self-discovery. This involves delving into the depths of your innermost thoughts and emotions. At Styles 4 Life, we understand the importance of nurturing both your physical and mental well-being.

With two invigorating sessions offered each week, we aim to provide you with the tools to comprehend and explore your own unique thoughts and emotions through meditaion and yoga therapy.

By participating in our group sessions, you will be empowered to unlock a deeper level of personal growth and self-awareness, paving the way for your boundless potential to flourish.

You are the magic mirror!

become a member

4 Week Transformation
One time

✓ 4 1hr Yoga Sessions
✓ 4 1hr Guided Meditation Classes
✓ One 1 on 1 Goal Setting Session (30min)
✓ Nutrition, Mindset & Wellness Tips!
✓ FREE product shipping over $20

why Meditation?

Meditation brings peace of mind, reduce stress, and improve mental focus. No matter your level of experience, we're here to help you with this powerful practice. Join us every Sunday as we disconnect from the world and reconnect with ourselves through meditation.

why yoga therapy?

Yoga Therapy creates a healthy belief system. It uses poses and breathing to tap into your body's wisdom and develops self-awareness for navigating life's challenges with grace. Yoga promotes mindful living, connecting mind, body, and spirit. Join us every Wednesday at 7:00 pm EST to ease any tension stuck in the body.

class dates.


Sundays At 7:00p EST.

Yoga Therapy

Wednesday At 7:00p EST.

Our classes are specifically designed to be Beginner-friendly, ensuring that you feel comfortable and confident every step of the way. Interested in joining our weekly sessions?

Whatever it is, it is never too late to make a change.